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Summary of EYLF V2.0 changes and the VEYLDF

VCAA welcomed the release of the revised Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) V2.0 in January. While the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) is a specific approved learning framework for Victoria, many Victorian early childhood services also use the EYLF in their practice.

The comparison grid below highlights key updates to the EYLF and how they map to the VEYLDF. It shows how the EYLF revisions can sustain Victorian early childhood professionals’ confidence in the VEYLDF as a robust, contemporary framework for practice, while also offering new ways of looking at key VEYLDF ideas.


New principle on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives

This principle recognises the role of early childhood services in advancing Reconciliation, respect, and responsiveness to the world’s oldest continuous living culture.


Aboriginal perspectives are embedded across the VEYLDF through its artwork and Story Descriptions. The VEYLDF recognises and respects Aboriginal cultures and their unique place in Victoria’s heritage and future, and in fostering all children’s sense of place in our community.


New principle on sustainability

This principle focuses on children and adults working together to create a better future for everyone. It describes how sustainability has environmental, social and economic dimensions that are all intertwined.


Sustainability is woven throughout the VEYLDF. This includes supporting all children to develop a sense of place, identity and connection to the land and the natural world, as well as learning to care for physical and social environments and contribute to a sustainable future.


New principle on collaborative leadership and teamwork

This principle focuses on leadership and teamwork as a collective professional activity of all educators.


The VEYLDF Practice Principle ‘Partnerships with professionals’ acknowledges that all early childhood professionals (both within and across services) work in partnership and respect each other’s practice, skills and expertise.


More guidance on continuity and transitions

EYLF V2.0 more clearly indicates that transitions occur between routines and settings, as well as the start to school. It encourages educators to build on children and families’ individual ways of being, belonging and becoming (funds of knowledge) to support continuity.


The VEYLDF has an extensive section on transitions and continuity as children and families move within and across services and settings, supported by ‘Transition: A Positive Start To School’ resources. It promotes respect for the agency, strengths and cultural histories that children and families contribute to transitions.


More guidance on teaching and learning

EYLF V2.0 more clearly defines the cycle that supports children’s learning: observe, assess, plan, implement and evaluate. It expands on the role of assessment and evaluation in the cycle, and the importance of intentionality in play-based learning.


The VEYLDF describes the planning cycle in which early childhood professionals use their observations, reflection and analysis to inform their planning and decision-making. It guides educators to intentionally combine child-led, guided and adult-led experiences to achieve identified learning and development goals.


Renewed focus on relationships and wellbeing

EYLF V2.0 expands on foundational aspects of early childhood pedagogy such as relationships between people and places, and child wellbeing.


The VEYLDF recognises the centrality of relationships to early childhood practice, and the importance of child wellbeing as both a prerequisite for and outcome of learning.