The VCAA is partnering with the Department of Education and other stakeholders to revise the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).
With significant early years education reform in Victoria, the Revision will support early childhood professionals in their work with children and young people.
The Revision will draw on the strengths of the revised Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0), while also retaining Victoria’s distinctive focus on play-based learning in the birth to eight-year period and the continuity of learning between early childhood services and schools. The VEYLDF will also continue to support early childhood professionals as they work in collaborative partnerships, improving the quality of children’s learning and development.
Go to the current VEYLDF
Find out more about EYLF V2.0
Why we are revising the VEYLDF
The VEYLDF Revision comes at a time of significant reform in early years education in Victoria. The Revision ensures that the VEYLDF is informed by evidence-based practice and reflects the Early Childhood Reform Plan to deliver world-class early childhood services for all Victorian children and families.
The VEYLDF was last revised in 2016, following its initial implementation in 2011. It was based on the EYLF, which was also recently revised and released in January 2023. At the same time, the Victorian F–10 Curriculum is also being revised in response to the release of the Australian Curriculum v9. The EYLF and Victorian F–10 Curriculum revisions are an opportunity to revise the VEYLDF and strengthen the continuity of learning between them.
Best Start, Best Life reforms are also transforming early childhood education in Victoria, including Free Kinder, continuing the rollout of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten, and transitioning Four-Year-Old Kindergarten to Pre-Prep. The Revision will ensure the VEYLDF remains a framework for quality practice and play-based learning, as the sector evolves.
Find out more about the Victorian F–10 Curriculum Revision Project
Go to Best Start, Best Life
Our consultation approach
To guide the development of the revised Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework our consultation approach was designed to be collaborative to ensure that a diverse range of voices and perspectives were heard. It is important that we were able to capture the insights of educators, families, early childhood professionals and other stakeholders, to reflect the needs and aspirations of Victorian children, their families and their communities.
Key focus areas during consultation:
Stakeholder Engagement: We actively engaged a wide range of stakeholders, including early childhood educators, leaders, teachers, service providers, and families. Through direct outreach and communication channels, we made sure that all relevant voices were included in shaping the framework revisions.
VEYLDF Advisory Panel and Workforce Reference Group: These two groups play a key role in providing expert insights and real-time sector feedback on the development of the VEYLDF and supporting materials. They ensure the framework is aligned with best practices and addresses the needs of the early childhood education sector.
Surveys and Feedback Platforms: To expand our consultation reach, we distributed online surveys to educators, service providers, and families, inviting feedback on key areas of the VEYLDF. This includes the Child and Family Voices Survey which helped us understand the key areas of strength and areas which may need improvement from the perspective of children and their parents/caregivers.
Sector-wide Collaboration: We worked closely with key organisations in the early childhood sector, including professional associations, peak bodies, and government agencies. This collaboration helped align the framework with contemporary best practices and policy directions.
Research and Evidence review: As part of the consultation, we incorporated recent research and evidence on early childhood education and care. Feedback was framed within the context of the latest findings, ensuring that the VEYLDF was both grounded in research and responsive to the lived realities of early years education.
Ongoing request for feedback: Throughout our consultation process, we kept our inbox open to the public, so the public could continuously ask questions, make suggestions, and provide lived experience. Anyone can email the revision team at
Our consultation approach ensured that the VEYLDF will be an inclusive, evidence based, and future-focused framework that supports the diverse needs of all children in Victoria.
The revision of the VEYLDF will occur during 2023 and 2024, including initial external stakeholder consultation beginning in Term 4 2023.
The release of the VEYLDF will commence in 2025, with targeted socialisation and familiarisation commencing from 2026 – 2027 onwards.
- Stakeholder consultation
- Drafting of the revised VEYLDF
- Consultation for Implementation support
- Internal approval processes
- National approval processes
- Initial roll-out of the VEYLDF
VEYLDF Strengths
While the VCAA welcomed the release of the revised and strengthened EYLF V2.0, the VEYLDF retains some distinctive features that reflect the context and priorities of the Victorian early childhood sector:
- Strong visibility of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives throughout the document. The 2021 VEYLDF Implementation Evaluation found this feature is highly valued by Victorian teachers and educators.
- Recognition of the entire ecosystem around the child, and the need for shared understanding and collaboration between early childhood professionals and partnerships with families and communities.
- A focus on continuity of learning across the critical developmental period of birth to 8, including a major section on transitions and illustrative maps linking VEYLDF Outcomes to the F–10 Curriculum.
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