The VCE VET Furnishing program is drawn from a national training package and offers a portable qualification which is recognised throughout Australia. This qualification provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to pursue a career or further training in a range of furnishing industries, such as cabinet making, wood machining, polishing, upholstery and picture framing.
Scored assessment is available for the Unit 3–4 sequence of the VCE VET Furnishing program.
VCE Season of Excellence
The prestigious Top Designs exhibition at Melbourne Museum is now showcasing five VCE VET programs. If you are undertaking scored assessment as part of your VCE or VCE Vocational Major, then you can apply. Top Designs is part of the VCE Season of Excellence, an annual festival celebrating senior secondary student work from Victorian schools.
Applications open in September and close in November each year. For information on how to apply, watch this video or visit the
Top Designs page.
Register your interest here and you will be notified when applications open and are due to close.
A3 Top Designs poster is also available to print for your classroom.
MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways: includes units such as developing a career plan for the furnishing industry, upholstery, making timber joints, basic design, hand and power tools, furniture assembly and a furniture making project.
Credit in the VCE (including VCE VM and VPC): recognition of up to two VCE VET units at Units 1 and 2 level, and a scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence.
Note: The scored Unit 3–4 sequence must be delivered and assessed in a single enrolment year. Students are strongly advised against undertaking the scored Unit 3–4 sequence without first completing Units 1 and 2 because Unit 3–4 sequences are not designed for standalone study.
Program material
The VCE VET Furnishing program booklet contains information relating to the qualification approved by the VCAA for delivery to VCE (including VCE VM and VPC) students.
It includes advice on the units of competency making up the program and the credit available for students.
It also provides advice on Structured Workplace Learning, the ATAR contribution and pathways to further learning.
2024 VCE VET Furnishing program booklet.
The program booklet should be read in conjunction with the
MSF Training Package.
Scored assessment
Scored assessment is available for MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways.
Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution for VCE VET Furnishing must undertake scored assessment. This consists of three coursework tasks, worth 66% of the overall study score, and an end-of-year examination which is worth 34% of the overall study score.
Scored assessment is based on the scored Unit 3–4 sequence of VCE VET Furnishing.
The scored Unit 3–4 sequence of the VCE VET Furnishing program must be delivered and assessed in a single enrolment year.
Materials for scored assessment
VCE VET Scored Assessment Guide.
2025 VCE VET Furnishing assessment plan template and sample.
VCE VET scoring criteria sheets.
View assessment templates for task types:
Work Performance,
Industry Project.
Task type overview.
Examination specifications, past examinations and reports
VCE VET Furnishing examination specifications, past examinations and reports.
ATAR contribution
Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution for the VCE VET Furnishing program Unit 3–4 sequence must undertake scored assessment for the purpose of achieving a study score. This study score can contribute directly to the ATAR, either as one of the student's best four studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or sixth study increment.
Where a student elects not to receive a study score for a scored Unit 3–4 sequence no contribution to the ATAR will be available.
The increment is awarded by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).
Further information can be found on the
VTAC website.
Where a scored Unit 3–4 sequence is used as an increment, the increment will be calculated using 10% of the scaled score.
VCE VET Furnishing State Reviewer
VCE VET state reviewers are appointed for scored VCE VET programs.
Position is currently available, please see
February bulletin for details.
VCE Season of Excellence
High quality works created by students who complete this VCE VET program are eligible to apply for the VCE Season of Excellence. For further information, visit
Top Designs.
Structured workplace learning recognition
The VCAA provides recognition for Structured Workplace Learning for students undertaking a VCE VET program (VE1) or a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) (VE2).
Workplace Learning Record booklets.