Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the VCE and the VCE Vocational Major (VM) allows students to include VET within their senior secondary certificate.
Students can undertake nationally recognised training that contributes to their VCE and their VCE VM.
Students are also able to include VET within the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).
VET credit
Students gain credit into their VCE, VCE VM or VPC by undertaking:
VCE VET programs that have been developed by the VCAA in consultation with stakeholders including industry and vocational professionals. Information regarding the credit available in each VCE VET program is published on the individual VCE VET program pages.
- approved
apprenticeships and traineeships.
- other VET qualifications, which provide credit into the VCE through
block credit recognition.
2023 new VCE VET General units of credit
From 2023, VCE VET General units of credit will apply to VET credit towards the VCE, VCE VM and VPC.
VCE VET General units of credit will automatically be calculated for students who have an overflow of hours. Students can accrue credit through undertaking Units of Competency (UoCs) that are not currently contributing to a VCE VET unit of credit at certificate II level or above.
These UoCs are known as overflow and can be combined across certificates and certificate types to form up to two VCE VET General units of credit at Unit 1 and 2 level (90 hours for the first unit and 180 hours for the second unit).
A maximum of 180 hours of overflow UoCs will be recognised. In VASS, the overflow units will be named VCE VET General units.
For example:
- A student enrols in 120 hours of UoCs, from a single certificate. The first 90 hours will generate one unit of credit. To achieve a second unit of credit, the student could complete one of the following:
- 60 hours from same certificate – generating the student’s second unit of credit in this certificate.
- 90 hours from a different certificate – generating the student’s first unit of credit in a new certificate.
- 60 hours from a range of certificates – generating one VCE VET General unit of credit.
The new rule will apply to students who are enrolled in UoCs from 2023 onwards.
Schools may see credits towards a VCE VET General unit of credit being calculated against a student’s enrolment, which does not end up contributing to a VCE VET General unit of credit. Results and enrolment hours are factors that will continue to influence the awarding of the VCE VET General unit of credit.
The calculation of the VCE VET General units of credit is done automatically and schools are not required to take any action.
The VCE VET General units of credit at Units 1 and 2 level will appear on the Student Full Details Report as GV011 and GV012.
VET credit towards the VPC
Students will gain VET credit into the VPC in the following way:
- each 90 nominal hours-worth of completed UoCs from a certificate I qualification or above will provide one credit towards the VPC.
VET qualifications
Schools are able to offer VET qualifications to senior secondary students from a range of industry areas approved by the VCAA.
Successful completion of VET can provide students with:
- the award of the qualification or a statement of attainment issued by a registered training organisation (RTO) or TAFE
- a Statement of Results issued by the VCAA outlining the Units of Competency completed
- a VCE, VCE VM or VPC certificate issued by the VCAA
- ATAR contributions as primary study scores or increments
- pathways into employment and/or further VET qualifications or training
- workplace experience gained through structured workplace learning.
Students value VET because it:
- allows them to combine general and vocational studies which for many, provides a practical focus in a range of industry areas
- provides direct experience of business and industry
- enables them to explore training in areas that will enhance their pathway choices.
Employers value VET because it:
- contributes to the development of entry level skills for their industry
- provides students with a practical and focused introduction to workplace requirements
- enhances the employability of students
- enables industry to contribute to educational programs in schools
- enables industry to participate in local community networks.