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Advice for teachers -
Australian and Global Politics

Unit 3 - Area of Study 2: Comparing Democracies: Australia and the United States of America

Outcome 2

Analyse the key features of the political system of the United States of America and critically compare the political systems of Australia and of the United States of America in terms of the extent to which democratic values and principles are upheld.

Examples of learning activities

  • Watch an episode of a television program relating to US politics; for example, The Circus, Inside the Biggest Story on Earth, The West Wing, House of Cards, Madam Secretary. Discuss the similarities and differences in US and Australian democratic political values that are evident.
  • Create a glossary of the key terms and concepts listed in the Study Design.
  • Create a chart showing the operation of the separation of powers in the US system and the checks and balances that underpin the relationship of the three branches of government.
  • Research one contemporary case of the US Supreme Court such as Obergefell v Hodges and discuss its impact on the US constitution.
  • Discuss the impact of non-compulsory voting on the US electoral system.
  • Investigate the two major US political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. List the historical background, key policy areas, their role and impact within the Congress.
  • Prepare a case study report on a recent US presidential election; include the voter turnout, the role of political parties particularly in primaries and caucuses, the role of the Electoral College and the overall result. Use a current map of the US Electoral College result in the report.
  • Refer to the White House website to find out the key roles, powers and constraints on the powers of the US president. List and compile current examples from the media of each of these in practice.
  • Example icon for advice for teachers
    Prepare an oral presentation comparing the role of the USA President and the Australian Prime Minister.
  • Explain the historical reasons and the operation of the Electoral College and in pairs conduct a PMI. Refer to the Five Thirty Eight website for information.
  • In small groups research the composition of the current US Congress. Create a wall chart noting the names of those in key roles.
  • Compare the role of committees in the US Congress with those in the Australian parliament; discuss which system has the more influential role for committees.
  • Using a Venn-diagram comparing the legislative branch in the USA and Australian political system.
  • Prepare a comparative report, including charts and current examples on each of the key knowledge points for the political system of the USA in relation to Australia. Highlight key similarities and differences as well as key democratic strengths and weaknesses in each system.
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Detailed example

Oral presentation on the role of political leadership in the USA
and Australia

Prepare a 5 minute oral presentation on the role of the US president and critically compare this role with that of the Australian prime minister.

The oral presentation should cover the following areas:

  • select a US president and Australian prime minister
  • explain the context and key aspects of this president’s election; refer to the process of electing the US president in the presentation
  • explain the role of the US president in the US system; give examples of where the selected president demonstrated these roles
  • analyse the constraints on the power of the US president; give examples of where the selected president had their power constrained
  • determine the Australian prime minister at the time of the selected US presidency. Critically compare 3 points during their tenures where one political leader demonstrated more or less power in their role. Use images and quotes to accompany the oral presentation.